Ballet (pre)
W. Johnson. Introduction to classical dance. Emphasis on coordination,
self expression and elementary ballet basics. Wear leotard &
ballet shoes.
W. Johnson. Ballet barre basics & center floor exercises.
Classical emphasis.
wear leotard & ballet shoes.
Baseball Workout D. Gadelha. Continue improving your skills & batting average.
Basketball Clinics
B. Schapira. Learn and continue to improve the basic fundamental
skills of basketball including dribbling, passing, and shooting.
Fairytale Theater P. O’Neal. Imagination, free form, role playing using costumes & props.
B. Luke. Learn to play basic chords, sight reading, and some of your favorite
songs. Must bring your own guitar.
I Love Art P. Thomson. Drawing, painting, and special projects with 3-D emphasis.
R. Alberstrom. Introduction to correct hand position, note reading, &
simple melodies.
I love for Art
S. Goldman. Begin early to express your creative talents. Learn to
draw, paint, and sculpt. Class fee includes materials.
D. Gadelha. Learn to sand, hammer, glue, paint, & hand craft objects
of wood.